Jobs America Program
Top Points to Remember
Spirit Cultural Exchange – Jobs America Participant Handbook
1. Make Sure to Check Your Email Weekly After Your Program Start Date
You provided Spirit with an email address on your program application. Make sure to check this
email address weekly for important program updates from Make
sure to confirm as an approved sender, so the Spirit email reminders
and notifications are not sent to your “junk” email folder.
2. Build in Time for Extended Travel AFTER your Program End Date
Your program dates are the dates you will be expected to work at your employer. Be sure to keep
this in mind and build in time for travel after your program end date (work end date). If it is
absolutely necessary to shorten your work period, modify your program (work) end date well
BEFORE arrival in the USA by contacting your sending agent. If, after arrival, you decide you want
more time for travel, consider delaying your return flight date, as long as you return home in time
for the start of classes. Any early leave requests after arrival should be submitted to Spirit at least 3
weeks prior to your requested work end date.
3. You Must Arrive to the Employer on your DS2019 Form
You MUST arrive to the employer listed on your DS-2019 form no later than the program start date
listed on the DS-2019. Simply not arriving to the employer on the DS-2019 form is not acceptable
and will result in PROGRAM TERMINATION. Any requests for special arrangements (such as a late
arrival) need to be approved by Spirit BEFORE your arrival in the USA.
4. Validate your Program within 7 Days of Arrival in the US
Be sure to submit a SEVIS Update form through the online Participant Support Center within 7 days
of your arrival in the US. Doing so will validate your program in SEVIS. Failure to meet this 7 day
deadline will result in PROGRAM TERMINATION. If you submit incomplete information on your SEVIS
Update form, Spirit will email you for corrections before validation. Check your email daily until you
receive email confirmation that your SEVIS Update is processed and your program validated.
5. Cultural Activities are Required 2 Times per Month
Participating in cultural activities is an integral part of your program and is required by the
Department of State. It is important that you participate in at least 2 cultural activities each month
and report these activities to Spirit through your monthly check-ins. Consult Spirit’s Cultural
Activities Handbook for activity ideas or contact your employer or Spirit if you need assistance.
6. Submit Monthly Check-Ins at Least Every 30 Days
You must submit your Monthly Check-In through Spirit’s online Participant Support Center to inform
us of how you are doing and report your required monthly cultural activities. Failure to respond to
Spirit’s reminder emails and submit Monthly Check-Ins at least every 30 days will result in
7. Contact Spirit If You Need Help with Your Employer or Housing
Spirit is here to help you work through any issues you are having! Please contact us if you need help
with a problem that you cannot resolve on your own. We are here to help you and ensure you have
a wonderful Jobs America Program!
8. Any New Employer MUST Be Spirit-Approved BEFORE Starting Work
After arrival at the employer on your DS-2019 form, if you are considering adding a second job or
want to change your primary job, be sure to contact Spirit before taking any action. Spirit MUST
authorize any new employers, and it is important that you first try to work through any problems at
your existing place of employment. Adding jobs or starting work at a new employer before receiving
official, written approval from Spirit will result in PROGRAM TERMINATION.
9. Update Spirit of any Address Change within 7 Days of the Change
Spirit must be aware of your work and housing address at all times. If you make any changes to
your employer or housing address, be sure to submit a SEVIS Update form through the online
Participant Support Center. Make sure to include your complete address and apartment number!
The SEVIS Update form must be submitted within 7 days of any address change, or you will be
10. Keep Your Passport, DS-2019, and Social Security Card in a Safe Place
These documents are expensive and difficult to replace. Make a copy of these documents and keep
them in a separate place from the originals.
11. Always Carry Your Medical Insurance ID Card
You will need to use your medical insurance ID card to see a doctor or check into a hospital. Always
keep your card with you in case of a medical emergency.
12. Causes of Program Termination
If your program is terminated, it may result in issues with obtaining any future visas to the USA.
Program terminations on the Jobs America Program are rare, as long as you follow the rules listed
above. The most important thing to remember is to communicate frequently with Spirit, especially if
you are considering any change in employment or housing. Remember that THE
1. Failure to arrive to the employer listed on the DS-2019 form and start work (Visa Fraud – see
details below)
2. Failure to validate your program within 7 days of your arrival in the US
3. Failure to submit the online Monthly Check-In with Spirit at least every 30 days
4. Starting work at a new employer that Spirit has not approved
5. Breaking a U.S. law that causes arrest or citation, or taking part in an action which could
bring program into notoriety or disrepute
6. Failure to respond to Spirit’s communication attempts by the deadline provided
7. Providing false information or withholding information from Spirit (such as failure to disclose
pre-existing medical conditions on the participant application)
Visa Fraud is when a participant testifies at their visa interview their intent to work at the employer
listed on their DS-2019 and enters the United States with little or no intention to work at that
employer. Suspicion of visa fraud requires termination of the program and departure from the USA.