I would like to send result CPA Bonus CY. 2016,please find attachment. By the result of CPA Bonus calculation under criteria as follow.
1. GAP Contract.
2. Seed used. (Information from the Register system, we design program for staff AGM can have recorded if farmer received seed from STEC. **In this CY. 2016 all farmers have been received seed from ours.)
3. CPA box and PEE kit. (Information from the same as No.2)
4. Fert & CPA distribution record. (Poo, confirm all farmers is True.)
5. CPA returned (Result from Buying system, we design program for staff AMG can have recorded CPA returned when farmer came to sold the tobacco at buying floor )
6. X test cyper (Result from QC.)
7. Sun curing. (Result from AGM.)
8. Prompt action. (Result from AGM.)
The result bonus we check on all criteria is must be “True” first and then to calculate the result bonus each farmers under terms of condition if farmer has CPA return to get less than 50% of that they received, we will multiply 1.50 per/kg. But if more than =>50% is multiply by 2.50 per/Kg of tobacco that farmers bring to sales) ** Some farmers have no CPA return any piece, but is also calculated the bonus, too. Because there are no conditions minimum of return.
Please check and verify the accuracy of the information and confirm get back to IT dept. in order to will be made the various report, next. If there is and question and need to change something, please don’t hesitate to let me