The Study Area
Imo state is located in the South – Eastern area of
Nigeria and shares boundaries with Anambra, Abia, Delta
and Rivers states. The state has a total land area of
about 19,000 square kilometers and a population of
about 3.38million people (NPC, 2006). The people of the
state are mostly rural which makes their occupational
distribution tilted towards agricultural production.
The climate is of two types: the dry and wet seasons with
intervening cold and dry harmattan period usually
experienced during December and January. The state
has an annual rainfall ranges from 2000 _ 2500mm while
maximum average temperature ranges between 30 - 35
degrees centigrade (Imo ADP, 2009). With this climatic
pattern and few sizeable expanse of arable land due to
high population density, the farmers in the area grow
crops like yam, cassava, maize, fruits and vegetable
among some cash crops like oil palm, coconut and
plantain. Hence, there are a total of 303,333 farm families
in agricultural production in the state.
The Study AreaImo state is located in the South – Eastern area ofNigeria and shares boundaries with Anambra, Abia, Deltaand Rivers states. The state has a total land area ofabout 19,000 square kilometers and a population ofabout 3.38million people (NPC, 2006). The people of thestate are mostly rural which makes their occupationaldistribution tilted towards agricultural production.The climate is of two types: the dry and wet seasons withintervening cold and dry harmattan period usuallyexperienced during December and January. The statehas an annual rainfall ranges from 2000 _ 2500mm whilemaximum average temperature ranges between 30 - 35degrees centigrade (Imo ADP, 2009). With this climaticpattern and few sizeable expanse of arable land due tohigh population density, the farmers in the area growcrops like yam, cassava, maize, fruits and vegetableamong some cash crops like oil palm, coconut andplantain. Hence, there are a total of 303,333 farm familiesin agricultural production in the state.
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