When Pilar stand up she speaks: "You didn’t tell me anything"
Then the presenter says: "I was texting all day telling him to come"
So Sergio says: “The day I came here I didn’t sing on the show. But today I sang because she (Pillar) deserves.”
And the public present does: AAAAeeeeee
Sergio continues: “I’m proud of her. I think I have a diamond at home.” or“I’m very proud of being with her, she’s a diamond… it’s the truth.” ——— (The first phrase was what I understood, but according to the people here at tumblr he said the second phrase).
And the audience does: OOOOOOO
The presenter speaks: “Thank you very much, Sergio!”
And Sergio says: “It’s been a pleasure” (then he and Pilar kiss each other)
When Pilar back to the seat she’s moved.
Then the presenter says something like this: “Once in my life I saw you moved.” It may also be that he said: “I never seen you moved.” …..I’m not sure!
The presenter asks if she’s okay. Pilar responds “yes” with the head.
Then Pillar says: “I’m thrilled because I didn’t expect that.”
Then the presenter says he was in their house a week ago, to prepare the program. He says that was before a game of Real Madrid … then I didn’t understand what he said … I think he commented that had alcoholic beverage and Sergio dint drink anything.
So Pilar says: “He is super- responsible”
The presenter speaks: “He seems to be quite strict” (because he didn’t want to drink).
Then the presenter talking to Pillar that Sergio loves her very much.
The audience applauds.
Pilar says: “Me too (that she loves him too). First I admire him as a professional, because he is very brave. I’ve never known anyone as special as him in my entire life. Is wonderful!