Another modern invention we owe to a happy accident is post-it Notes,those small prices of notepaper that can be stuck and unstuck again. In 1970, Spencer Silver was working in a research laboratory,trying to create a strong adhesive. He created a new adhesive that stuck to objects,but it could also easily be lifted off them. Because the adhesive was so weak, Silver considered it a failure. He shouldn't have. A few years later, a co-worker of Silver's was singing in a choir. He used scraps of paper to keep his place in the song book, but the scraps kept falling out. Remembering Silver's invention, the co-worker put some of the adhesive on the scraps. It was perfect! The scraps stayed in place, but came off easily so that didn't damage the book. Post-it Notes were introduced in 1980, and quickly become an essential office product around the world.