The isolates of Rhizoctonia spp. were evaluated and
compared with regard to their pathogenicity by the soil
inoculation technique using strawberry plants in cultures
out of pot. Earthen pots were filled with sterilized soil
(500 g/pot). The inocula of R. solani isolates were thoroughly
mixed with the soil atthe rate of 20 g/kg soil. The treatments
consisted of four isolates including an uninoculated control
where only sterilized soil was used and were replicated
three times. Three seedlings of the ‘BARI strawberry-1’
variety were sown in each earthen pot. The plant-containing
pots were arranged in a completely random design. Disease
development was observed regularly and recorded 15, 30,
45 and 60 days after sowing to estimate the lethal effect of
pathogens at the vegetative and reproductive stages. The
causal agent of mortality was confirmed after re-isolation of
the pathogen from infected roots, leafs, and fruits of