2. Some companies thrive because their workplace is a hive of collaboration and innovation. Others succeed because they give their employees the freedom to work from home and the flexibility to work around family schedules. In your opinion, which approach do you prefer? Why?
3. A lot of teachers complain that their students tend to secretly use their smartphone in class. They use it to chat and go on social media sites all the time, so they do not give enough attention to the class’s lectures and activities. This can lead to students’ poor academic performance. Do you agree that smartphones should not be allowed in class? Why or why not?
5. Many students hate homework and the Thai Ministry of Education seemed to signal that homework should be minimized, but many teachers still believe that homework improve students' performance. Therefore, in your opinion, is doing homework good for Thai students or it is simply a waste of time? Why?
7. Some students take a part-time job like a waiter/waitress at a restaurant to help pay for their studies. Some people think that could negatively affect their grades. Should a university student have a part-time job or only focus on their studies? Why or Why not?
8. Most celebrities like showing off their luxury items or assets on social media. Recently, Kim Kardashian, a reality television star, was stolen $11million of jewelry at her hotel in Paris. Police assumed that her diamond ring had been seen via her Twitter or Instagram by robbers. Do you agree or disagree about posting possessions on social media? Why?