Personal characteristics—Personal characteristics are the attitudes, beliefs and traits
which predispose survivors to advocate for themselves in thought and action. A level of
personal awareness of one’s needs, values and priorities is required to be an effective selfadvocate
(Park et al. 2009). Only by stepping back to reflect on the impact cancer has on
one’s life and identity can a survivor discern the needs, values and priorities for which he or
she would like to advocate. Secondly, an internal drive to overcome, control, or own
negative experiences and an openness to try new experiences have been associated with selfadvocacy
(Osborne et al. 1999). These are necessary characteristics for survivors as
significant effort and adjustments may be required to manage symptoms, make role
adjustments, or plan for end of life.
Personal characteristics—Personal characteristics are the attitudes, beliefs and traitswhich predispose survivors to advocate for themselves in thought and action. A level ofpersonal awareness of one’s needs, values and priorities is required to be an effective selfadvocate(Park et al. 2009). Only by stepping back to reflect on the impact cancer has onone’s life and identity can a survivor discern the needs, values and priorities for which he orshe would like to advocate. Secondly, an internal drive to overcome, control, or ownnegative experiences and an openness to try new experiences have been associated with selfadvocacy(Osborne et al. 1999). These are necessary characteristics for survivors assignificant effort and adjustments may be required to manage symptoms, make roleadjustments, or plan for end of life.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ลักษณะส่วนบุคคลPersonal characteristics- ลักษณะส่วนบุคคลที่มีทัศนคติความเชื่อและลักษณะที่จูงใจผู้รอดชีวิตจะสนับสนุนให้ตัวเองในการคิดและการกระทำ —Personal characteristics are the attitudes, beliefs and traits
which predispose survivors to advocate for themselves in thought and action. A level of
personal awareness of one’s needs, values and priorities is required to be an effective selfadvocate
(Park et al. 2009). Only by stepping back to reflect on the impact cancer has on
one’s life and identity can a survivor discern the needs, values and priorities for which he or
she would like to advocate. Secondly, an internal drive to overcome, control, or own
negative experiences and an openness to try new experiences have been associated with selfadvocacy
(Osborne et al. 1999). These are necessary characteristics for survivors as
significant effort and adjustments may be required to manage symptoms, make role
adjustments, or plan for end of life.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..