‘Tis the season for tech buzzwords to fill the air. Trends such as responsive Web design became commonplace. Wearable computers emerged as the next (potential) revolution. And HTML5 established itself more than ever in application development.
There were also unintended trends that emerged from this past year. Healthcare.gov propelled phrases like "Web application development," "back-end database architecture," and "software quality assurance" into the public lexicon like never before. And an NSA system administrator – turned whistleblower – brought serious attention to the issue of data privacy worldwide.
"Although mobile development has dominated trends and will continue to progress computing and technology in general, 2014 will be the year that Web development fights back." said Himanshu Sareen, CEO of Icreon Tech. "In the enterprise as well as the consumer space, Web development will be an area of tremendous innovation."
In that vein, Devanshi Garg, COO of Icreon Tech, has provided a few more software and technology trends for 2014.