Comparing fungal colonization and mycotoxin contamination,
there was no direct proportionality, in fact in a 2007 trial at Rovigo,
a fungal reduction of 7% corresponded to a decrease in fumonisin of
35%. Differently, at Cremona in 2008, T. harzianum treatment
decreased F. verticillioides colonization by 98%, while fumonisin
contamination was decreased by only 60%.
Comparing fungal colonization and mycotoxin contamination,
there was no direct proportionality, in fact in a 2007 trial at Rovigo,
a fungal reduction of 7% corresponded to a decrease in fumonisin of
35%. Differently, at Cremona in 2008, T. harzianum treatment
decreased F. verticillioides colonization by 98%, while fumonisin
contamination was decreased by only 60%.
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