Effective 1st Jan 2017, please be informed that the Agent will not be allowed to offload cargo at BFS Cool Room without below necessary documents;
1. Customs permit (ใบกำกับการขนย้ายสินค้าทางอากาศยาน)
2. Application for Phyto sanitary certificate – Form P.Q.7 (คำขอใบรับรองสุขอนามัยพืช) – if required by destination.
3. ID card & Copy of ID card (บัตรประชาชนตัวจริงและสำเนาบัตรประชาชน)
4. BFS acceptance check sheet (ใบคำร้องขอรับชั่ง)
Therefore, the Agent shall contact the Plant Quarantine officer at dedicated office area for checking all document, processing Application for Phyto sanitary certificate (Form P.Q.7) - if required by destination , then bring all above related document to BFS and deliver PER cargo for inspection by Phyto inspector and further BFS Acceptance process. Please also be noted that cargo tag label should be completely attached with cargo to avoid the delay of Acceptance process.
Any Export PER shipments that are not ready, it will be requested to remain in the trucks. Parking area will be reserved, as first come first serve, in front of the document import office.
In addition, below photos as an example of PER cargo requiring PQ 7 form and the congestion of PER cargo which block Perishable Acceptance Area whilst scales and x-ray were empty, for your reference.