To also demonstrate the practicality of the architecture with mobile phone and wireless sensor networks including motes as well as the external controllers’ integrations, Fig. 15 shows the
graphical user interface on a mobile device in operation, Nokia Lumia 925 Windows Phone OS, interacting with the mote, TelosB, and base station. The data transmission was sent over cellular networks and WSNs for both sensing and control data, including noti-fication services. Fig. 15(a) shows overall sensing information, including an average of temperature (T), light intensity (L), humidity (Hu), and population density (%), in four grids as well as leftover
power source (Voltage – V or Battery – %) and the sensor node identifier (Node_ID) in the system. It should be noted that for TelosB, the voltage is derived from the equation proposed by Manoyut et al. (2010), i.e., VBattleft = ADCcount/4096 3. This information indicates that the sensing data can be sent toward multi-hop TelosB WSNs and mobile networks, 3G/4G, and finally to the auto-mode on/off procedure, and so to mitigate this affect, we allow a sensing range based on pre-configuration. In addition, precise automatic tuning including sophisticated conversion
necessitates further investigation. Fig. 15(g) also shows the success of image transmission (periodically taking a capture image) to calculate population density for the purpose of real-time monitoring for mobile users.