deploy is an amazing. app for both Android and ios that takes autonomous control of a drone a DJI Phantom 3 4 or inspire flies it around an area that you specify the map and makes a 3D map out of it.
It's freaking crazy It's awesome to like map your house or your neighborhood or something if you're a professional. I can make it may imagine to be so useful for things like survaeing property checking on your crops if you're a farmer or something but let's just see how it works it i hook my phone up to my remote control that's what you do with the USB cable just like you're controlling but instead of running the DJI go app you run the drone deploy out with in drone deploy i'll hit out of fight i named it will call it beach to know what need to do is to draw a box around where i wanted to actually fly so you can see it gives me boxes here i'm going to do my best not to five other people's property you can zoom in of course and so now you can see that for that route that i're just plotted it's going to scan eight acres it's going to take three and a half minutes or so it's ready to fly so now I just need to hit the airplane button here to fly it yeah. yeah so we can see alive feed of the photos that is taking here the drone is moving along this path here and if at any point you do take control i can hit the switch here to a different mode and then manually pilot back just for safety i do need to keep on eye on it make sure nobody gets underneath it it's going 20 miles an hour now and then wraps it up and i guess it'll probably has a novel draw a line back to the return.Where it started the journal automatically land roughly where took up pretty close to the tree but sometimes it lands 10 or 15 feet awayasha i'm gonna have to take control be sure you take off from a big flat area it's doesn't need to be in the area your photograph using your computer's memory card reader upload your images to drone deployed com then wait a few hours while they process it when your map is ready to deploy shows your higher quality 2D map overlaid on sate lite maps click 3D and then double - click the middle of the map to make it easier to navigate drag your mouse to rotate it or hold the shift key while dragging to move the mouse around use the scroll wheel to zoom in and out there are some setting you can adjust to see more about how the model was built gradual elevation ships