There have been many reports of steroid users demonstrating violent behavior. In many cases, this behavior was uncharacteristic of the individual's typical behavior when not taking steroids. While it is difficult to establish that a specific violent act is a direct result of steroid use, there is growing evidence that suggests such a connection. In addition there have been formal studies that found a strong correlation between steroid use and increased aggression. There have been a number of legal cases where steroid use has been introduced as a mitigating factor for a violent crime.n addition to all these terrible side effects, there is evidence that supports the suggestion that steroids use can result in both physiological and psychological dependence. Reported withdrawal symptoms include severe depression and suicidal ideation. There are documented cases of completed suicides. Additionally, in many cases, the need to look bigger and stronger or maintain their new steroid enhanced physique is such a powerful force that it makes the user dependant on the drug.