Please rush to Close asap this case following below detail
Case ID: 5105619251
Buyer ID: stockpreferred
Request reason: Request for return
Case reason: I don't agree with the buyer's reason for return
This case was expired Holding about 8 Days that Ebay Support advise me ,But Ebay Support never contact me for result of this case.
For this case Ebay support had error occurred several times
1st Time Ebay Support contact me for holding this case 3 days.When I waiting 3 days following he advise,I try to contact Ebay for result of this case.Becasue Buyer wasn't respond any evident or Fact data.After that Ebay was contact me 2nd and Inform this case will holding extra 5 days(until 18 May 2016).When 18 May 2016,Date of Holding expired that Ebay inform to me.I never received anything from Ebay Support.I try to contact Ebay again for progress and result of the case. But Ebay never respond with my request.For this time I need rush respond from Ebay support who relate this case to close in Fastest.
I confuse about Solution that Ebay Support do with me.This time I need to close this case asap !!!!
Best regard,