“Come now…” khan growled with satisfaction, such anger, finally standing up and showing your strength. “You can punch me over and over again till your arm weakens.” His deep voice snapped you out of your current state. He released you and you helped Kirk to his feet and carried him out of the cell and to the infirmary for treatment. Within the next few weeks you changed, now hating the man you once felt sorry for, you couldn’t look to Khan as you passed by his cell, his eyes following you each time. He stopped eating, he grew weak and stopped getting up. It ate at your heart to see him like this, getting weaker and weaker each passing day. The once great Khan was now thin and if possible, more pale than you’ve ever seen him before.
“Compassion is a weakness. Caring is a weakness” you kept telling yourself. Khan grew weaker every day, you realized this and finally gave in and visited him “I won’t be soft” you thought to yourself as you walked in leaning against the wall.
Khan’s eyes were heavy as he looked up to see you, he smirked but weakly “Have you come here to mock me?” he sat against the opposite wall. Sighing you walked towards him and sat next to him on the floor. How could you possibly feel something for such a man, he harmed people, took innocent lives, yet you knew what he was doing he thought was right.
“You’re weak, you need to eat.” You pulled a mars bar from your pocket and unwrapped it before handing it to him. Khan looked to you, puzzled why you would want him to gain strength again.
“You are still too kind” he said.
“Yeah, but you still need to eat and gain your strength back so I can kick your ass again” It was tough not to chuckle. Holding the bar up to his lips “tsk.. Khan, eat up please.” He took the bar, eyeing you wearily but took a bite. “As long as you promise to eat and gain your strength, I’ll come back daily to visit with you and give you food you care for. Yeah?” You said. Khan chuckled deeply and nodded his head.