RCT with concealed allocation and single blind (assessors blinded). Follow-up
period was three months (treatment period only). Setting included four London hospitals,
among eighty one adult inpatients (>/= 18 years old) with a primary diagnosis of
schizophrenia or schizophrenia-like psychosis. Exclusions: secondary diagnoses of
dementia or organic psychosis. Intervention: Music therapy (access to a range of musical
instruments and encouragement to express themselves accompanied by a trained music
therapist during weekly individual sessions of up to 45 min) plus standard care (access to
occupational, social and other activities and nursing care) versus standard care alone for
up to 12 weeks. Outcomes: Primary outcome measure: symptoms, total score on the
Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS); secondary outcome measures:
satisfaction with care, Client Satisfaction Questionnaire (CSQ); global function, Global
Assessment of Functioning Scale (GAF). Patient follow-up: 85%