Hello Robert,
As per our earlier discussion with Mr. Markus Jantschgi & as per email from Mr. Satyaveer Pratap.
Rotor getting stuck in Cooling Ring due to decrease in internal diameter of Cooling Ring. Due to increase in temp of cooling ring i.e. cooling system is not working properly.
This Increase in Temp of cooling ring is result of following reasons
1. In-proper/Irregular flow of cooling water in the test Bed.
2. Slag formation in the cooling ring
Slag formation in the cooling ring can be due to following reasons
2.1 Technique of Descaling process
2.2 Chemical used in Descaling process
2.3 Quality of water used for cooling the system
Now answering to the other question “Why didn’t any alarm (Flow and Temp) didn’t went ON”
A. Flow alarm
1. Flow switch gone bad.
2. This means all the cooling ring are not stuck 100 % with the Slag. That means out of 4, one or more cooling rings are providing the full/ partial flow that resulted total cumulative requirement to be fulfilled hence alarm remained OFF.
B. Temperature Switch
1. As due to slug formation the heat transfer process was not working properly so the temperature of water didn’t increased and remained within the tolerance limit.
Another question which was asked was “has this happened to other customer ?”
Yes, this has happened to other customers also which are not using the Cooling ring Temp Switch (Not installed on this Dyno as visible from images) (Image 1)
Corrective Actions :-
1. Check the quality of water available with customer. It should be as per our recommendation.
2. Descaling method and frequency to be rechecked.
3. Cooling water supply temperature should be as specified in Manual.
Preventive Actions :-
Buying the new Dynamometer with the Cooling ring Temp switch options. This options monitor the temperature of cooling rings individually and if temperature of any cooling ring goes up due to any reason it gives an alarm.
(Image 2)
If any more information is required, please let me know.
Best regards Markus Jantschgi