The 'Belties', like six other color variants, presumably originated centuries ago from the pure black Galloway. They were mentioned as early as the start of the 19th century.
They are medium to small framed cattle with a broad, flat head. Neck is of medium length. Deep torso with short, clean legs. Fine bone structure. Thick, soft, long hair, especially in winter. The fore and hind-quarters are black with a reddish sheen; the middle of the body is white. Polled. Hardy. Undemanding.
Adaptable. Good natured and easily controlled. Outstanding meat quality. Cows calve easily and are good mothers
their color pattern is reminiscent of an Oreo cookie, the sandwich cookie consisting of two chocolate disks with a cream filling in between.[1] The black and red coat colors are caused by the same alleles of the MC1R gene, ED for black and e/e for red, as in most other breeds of cattle.