The cross ratio has been lowered to the accident
threshold, firing up the Accident MF to Highly Likely
status. Notice how the degree varies between highly likely
and Accident which is in both cases treated as an accident.
The predefined road has been adjusted to 2 zones. Zone 2
holding 20 cars only, is the gap zone. While zone 1 (40)
and zone 3 (43) are the main suspects of accident zones.
According to the street zone 3 is actually the accident zone.
Notice how zone 5 (29) holds few cars yet is excluded as a
candidate for accident zone, this duo to the predefined
scenarios implemented in the Zone Status rule block. As
for the outputs the effective road determined by the
FuzzyTech system is of 3 zones length. The accident
section (section status) is in between section 1 (the slowest
section) and section 2 (the second slowest section) which is
a way to tell the fuzzy system that those two sections are
suspect of containing the accident. Zone status as described
before is the one holding the accident and creating the gap
we see in zone 2. Effective road is actually longer than the
predefined road (3 vs 2) which leads to the system picking
the predefined road as the new effective road (2).