Try this exercise to learn your strengths. Find a comfortable spot without distraction. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. When you're ready , put yourself back in these three moment, in turn :
As a small child. What form of imaginary play do you like most? What characters or roles do you choose? What games attract you most, and who do you get to be in them?
As a young adult. What activities draw you in so entirely that you lose track of time? What boosts your energy, and what does that say about you?
As a working adult. Look back to a height point that occurred over the past 18 month. What are you doing? What is the nature of the impact you are having on yourself , other , and the organization?
Looking across these moments, what do you value most about yourself? What would fill you with pride if you heard it from you colleagues and loved at a celebration for you? Those are you strengths.
Of course, there is no magic in the act of self-reflection on strengths. The magic comes when we learn to integrate strengths into our daily work a real challenge , since many executives believe that strengths are the words that come before the inevitable but in their performance reviews. It is hard work to shift mind sets in the face of mounting pressure and worries. We adopt the athletically inspired mantra "no pain ,no again " as if the shift to "playing to our strength " was unrealistic , yet view overlook the fact that professional athletes always aspire to play to their strengths.
Some executive will use greater self awareness the exercise brings to catalyze a career change drawing on feelings that may have been percolating. The vast majority find that the simple act of peering through the lens of strengths is a doorway to enhance their power , generating positive emotions and energy. One executive admitted that the process of understanding her strengths among them empathy and love of learning and then hearing them confirmed and appreciated by her colleagues brought tears to her eyes. Another reported learning more about a colleague during a ten minute conversation about strengths than ha had in the previous the years'worth of conversation about everything else.
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