3.3. Reduction of oxidative stress by HPOX nanoparticles in
H2O2estimulated cells
The inhibitory effects of HPOX nanoparticles on the production
of intracellular ROS were investigated using an intracellular fluorochrome,
dichlorofluorescin-diacetate (DCFHeDA). RAW 264.7
cells were pretreated with either HBA, POX nanoparticles or HPOX
nanoparticles for 4 h and incubatedwith exogenous H2O2 (200 mM)
as an oxidant as well as a stimulant for the generation of oxidative
of H2O2 concentration. However, HPOX nanoparticles showed
a significantly lower H2O2 concentration than POX nanoparticles
and HBA. More than 50% of reduction of H2O2 concentration was
observed with 1 mg of HPOX nanoparticles, demonstrating that
HPOX nanoparticles quench H2O2 in a dose-dependent manner.
HPOX nanoparticles showed a more dose-dependant H2O2 scavenging
activity than POX nanoparticles and HBA.