Real Talk:
There are some people that don't believe in the power of positive thinking. I've experienced people literally telling me that there's no such thing and that I'm full of s*~t! But, like I do with everything else... I wish them luck in everything that they do a and simply remind them this;
While you can't control other peoples actions, you can control how you react and respond to certain situations. Do I handle it well EVERY SINGLE TIME? No! I've been know to LET SOMEONE HAVE IT. However, the majority of the time I continue to think positive and know that every action starts with a thought. If you think good thoughts you're more likely to act that out.
Same goes for health and fitness...If you think you can do it, you'll move closer to the goal but if you shun away the possibility that you CAN succeed you'll be set back.
Sorry for the lengthy post but I just want you to believe it on the inside.