Well, that wasn’t very nice of him at all. All I was trying to do was ask him if he wanted to play with me and he said he can’t play with girls because they have germs! I don’t have germs! How rude of him. I don’t like boys. They are so so rude. You know a boy in my class named Tony pushed my friend today at school? (Pause) Yep and then she had to go to the sick bay because she had a graze on her leg. I went and told the teacher what happened but then Tony said that he didn’t do it. But he did do it! I saw him do it, he was just lying. Boys always lie, there rude, there mean and they lie! I saw my older sister today kissing a boy! It was so gross! I don’t know why she would do that boys are gross. She said when I’m older I might kiss a boy but I told her that was yuck! Because I don’t like boys, I don’t like them at all!