4. Conclusion
The results of this study demonstrate low toxicity after acute
and subchronic oral exposure to the oil extracted from the pulp of
Caryocar brasiliense. The LD50 was established as greater than
2000 mg/kg body weight. The oil did not elicit systemic toxicity
after subchronic exposure on the treated animals, nevertheless
some hematological abnormalities were found. Since the meaning
of these alterations are not clear, further studies in animals and
humans are required in order to investigate if they are related to the
oil exposure and also provide sufficient safety evidence for the use
of the oil in humans. The data obtained are relevant as they bring
informations about a plant species of great economic, nutritional
and ethnopharmacological importance.
Conflict of interest
The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest.
The authors thank CAPES for thefinancial assistance and Dr.
Ghazal Nabi Edavile for providing language help.