Additional Services - those services, other than
passenger air transportation, provided to a
passenger for which there may or may not be a
Concurrence - an agreement from one carrier to
permit the assessment of another carrier’s
optional service in which the concurring carrier
Electronic Miscellaneous Document (EMD) - an
electronic record issued by a carrier or its
authorised agent, in accordance with
applicable tariffs, for the collection of
miscellaneous charges.
Electronic Miscellaneous Document Associated
(EMD-A) - an EMD issued for the collection of
miscellaneous and excess baggage charges
that are to be lifted with an ET flight coupon(s).
The association between an EMD value
coupon(s) and the corresponding ET flight
coupon(s) requires that the coupon status of
both remain synchronised.
Electronic Miscellaneous Document Stand Alone
(EMD-S) - issued for residual value or the
collection of miscellaneous charges that are not
to be lifted with an ET flight coupon(s).
Optional Services - a data source provided by
ATPCO for additional services an airline offers
the customer for which the customer has a
choice regarding whether to accept and/or
purchase the service. A fee may or may not be
charged for the service. ATPCO’s Optional
Services product can include data for required
services such as the unaccompanied minor
services or oxygen onboard a flight.
Other Charges - charges such as taxes/fees/
charges, flight related services, merchandising
related service, ticket related services, etc.,
excluding excess baggage charges
Related Charges - fare related charges such as
cancellation penalties, non-refundable
amounts, rebooking and rerouting charges,
refund/reissue overrides, stopover charges,
weekend surcharges etc. and excess baggage