And ask him to give a straight answer about the item over who it would be delivered said."i am confident my son was framed.Plaease help him. He should not be made a scapegoat".
Ms mareeyae said she asked her son to leave school once he had completed Mathayom3 in pattani because she could no longer afford to pay for his education.
She said her son decident to work in malaysia for six months before coming back to study at a school at yala. About two years ago, a pakistan school sponsorad Mr Tuan to continue his education there. The mother said local villagers were shocked when they prayed for him at amosque on thursday night.
Meanwhile, authorities and experts insist students have no links to the militants. Deputy prime Minister and Defence Minister Prawit wangsuwon said investigators found the five students were from poor families and the families had clean records.
Their families feared the student would end up getting involved in drugs so they sent them abroad to study. each family had to pay abour 3000 baht a month on expenses for their children,Gen peawit said
I do not understand why thay tried to bring a gun on board when firearms are prohibited on planes, he added
Artef sohko, director of the pattani based academy of patani raya for peace and development, said he was convinced the students were not linked to IS or insurgents in the deep south.
The hafiz students those reciting the alquran have unlikely to be associated with the Iraq and syria Is movement or the barusan Revelusi Nasional said Mr Artef in a telephone intherview from india.
Meanwhile,Nationnal sacuritu council(NSC) secretary-general Anusit Kunakorn said officials will talk ti the released students when thay arrive back in thailand which ciuld help shep shed some light on the case.
There are reports they were duped into cattying the stuff back. Wha else would they want to carry a firearm onto an aircraft? Mr Anusit said
It has been reportted that the pistol was covered with an aluminium foil sheet. Those who carry prohibited items onto a plane must have some unusual reason . The NSC chief said.
And ask him to give a straight answer about the item over who it would be delivered said."i am confident my son was framed.Plaease help him. He should not be made a scapegoat".Ms mareeyae said she asked her son to leave school once he had completed Mathayom3 in pattani because she could no longer afford to pay for his education.She said her son decident to work in malaysia for six months before coming back to study at a school at yala. About two years ago, a pakistan school sponsorad Mr Tuan to continue his education there. The mother said local villagers were shocked when they prayed for him at amosque on thursday night.Meanwhile, authorities and experts insist students have no links to the militants. Deputy prime Minister and Defence Minister Prawit wangsuwon said investigators found the five students were from poor families and the families had clean records.Their families feared the student would end up getting involved in drugs so they sent them abroad to study. each family had to pay abour 3000 baht a month on expenses for their children,Gen peawit saidI do not understand why thay tried to bring a gun on board when firearms are prohibited on planes, he addedArtef sohko, director of the pattani based academy of patani raya for peace and development, said he was convinced the students were not linked to IS or insurgents in the deep south.The hafiz students those reciting the alquran have unlikely to be associated with the Iraq and syria Is movement or the barusan Revelusi Nasional said Mr Artef in a telephone intherview from india.ในขณะเดียวกัน Nationnal sacuritu council(NSC) เลขาธิการ Anusit Kunakorn กล่าวว่า เจ้าหน้าที่จะพูดตี้นักเรียนออกเมื่อโยงเข้ามาในประเทศไทย ciuld ที่ช่วย shep สารคดีบางกรณีมีรายงานที่พวกเขาถูก duped เป็น cattying กลับสิ่งที่ Wha อื่น พวกเขาต้องการพกอาวุธปืนไปยังเที่ยวบินหรือไม่ นาย Anusit กล่าวแล้ว reportted ที่ปืนถูกปกคลุม ด้วยแผ่นฟอยล์อะลูมิเนียม ผู้ดำเนินรายการต้องห้ามบนเครื่องบินต้องมีเหตุผลบางอย่างผิดปกติ NSC ประธานกล่าว
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