Withholding Tax
To waive the Withholding Tax for the Leasing Business.
subject to the payment of assessable income under section 40 of the Revenue is respon sible for withholding taxes on time. the lease term is not the business of renting. Leasing does not require income tax withholding for the benefit of the lessee to the lessor to pass on to lessee as well as in the rent. Value Added Tax (VAT)
To change the tax method as well as financial institution.
With regard to VAT of leasing business, a modem financial services. The loan is for business customers of all types of assets instead of cash. Therefore, you should consider filing income tax from the interest groups as well as financial institutions. Support the tax exemption and penalty for the leasing business in case of unclear of tax law.The duty to interpret and can not find a settlement to clear and prepare for practice guidelines based on international principles. Support the tax exemption for the lessor to finance the business as the country's economy
5.1.3 Ministry of Finance should issue the law allows business to promote economic growth. (ref. the research, International Finance Corporation (IFC), 2005, in Central Asia) .
5.2 Suggestion for practice purposees
This dissertation can support to Improve the accounting and tax planning for leasing
Leasing business can be considered to improve the accounting and tax planning as a business for savings tax and tax is corrected and completed. Especially in the areas of tax planning expenses such as accounting, depreciation of assets that can be selected in several ways. Of this study showed that leasing business owners, a sample of 19 companies have applied to the sum of the year digit method which is a depreciation of assets in the first year and decreases in the following year makes it possible to defer the payment of taxes for a longer time and in the financial statements show net income but no income tax, key issues and themes that can be defined this study, adapted to the leasing business that is about to begin .