12% of men. These rates have remained the same over the
past three years.
There were 914 pregnant women starting drug treatment in
2011-12 (6% of all women starting for the year). This
proportion has been similar over the past three years, with the
average about 5%.
The average parent in treatment who lives with their own
children is female, over 30 and has one child, while current
estimates suggest there may be around 104,000 under-18s
living with people in drug treatment in England.
Parents who live with their own children tend to have fewer
drug-related problems than others in treatment. They are less
likely use heroin and crack (the most addictive drugs), to inject
(the most risky way to take drugs) or to be homeless or have a
housing problem. They are also less likely to arrive in treatment
via the criminal justice system.
Since they have fewer serious problems, we would expect
these parents to be able to care for their children and so be
more likely to have their children living with them. Having
children at home may also be a factor in preventing them from