Abstract-Recently, understanding sentiment expressed in
social images and multimedia has attracted increasing attention by
researchers. For sentiment analysis of social image, we should
identify the visual features with high relations to human
sentiments and then conduct analysis based on such visual features.
Here, two visual vocabularies are built from color compositions
and SIFT (scale-invariant feature transform) descriptors.
Thereafter, the pLSA (probabilistic latent semantic analysis)
learning is employed to predict the human sentiment hidden in
social images from visual words. The proposed system was
evaluated to the images collected from Photo.net and Google and
15 Kobayashi's sentiments were considered to label the images.
The results were compared with man-labeled ground truth and
then the proposed method shows the performance with an FJmeasure
results of above 70%.
Keywords-Image sentiment analysis; Human affects; Handdesignedfeature;
Color composition; Bag-of-visual-word