3. Results and discussion
3.1. Cookie measurements
Based on the analysis of the cookie measurements, the weight (Fig. 1A), yield (Fig. 1B), expansion factor (Fig. 1C), diameter (Fig. 1D), thickness (Fig. 1E) and specific volume (Fig. 1F) did ot change significantly when up to 54.1 g WPC/100 g and 33.4 g margarine/100 gwas added (p > 0.05). After baking, the weight loss (Table 1) varied by an average of 1 g, as observed by Sarabhai and Prabhasankar (2015), who worked with cookies made with wheat bran and rice. The yield varied from 85.6% (treatment 7 with 40 g WPC/100 g and 24.4 g margarine/100 g) to 88.4% (treatment 11 with 40 g WPC/100 g and 28.9 g margarine/100 g).