Descriptive statistics
Adolescents visited the friend networking site on
average three days a week (M = 3.09, SD = 2.07).
When they visited the website, they stayed on the
site for approximately a half hour. The average
number of reactions that adolescents had received
on their profiles was 25.31 (SD = 50.00), with a
range from 0 to 350 reactions. The tone of the reactions
varied significantly among adolescents. Of
the adolescent who reported having received reactions
to their profiles (n = 592), 5.6% indicated that
these reactions had always been negative; 1.6%
that they had predominantly been negative; 10.1%
that they had sometimes been negative and sometimes
positive; 49.3% that they had been predominantly
positive; and 28.4% that they had always
been positive. Thirty-five percent of the adolescents
reported having established a friendship, and
8.4% reported having formed a romantic relationship
through the friend networking site.