3.1 The parties agrees to register the Lease of the Land Plot with competent Land Office no later than 60 days after notice of the completion of the sales agreement of the residential
3.2 No later than on the date of register of the Land Plot the Lessor shall specify any remaining payment from the former land lease owner up until the day of registration.
The Lessee agrees to take possession of the property at the day of registration and from that day take the full responsibility for any fee or charges according to this agreement.
3.3 For each new registration at Land Office a full restart of the leased period is done in accordance with the principals of this agreement and to the benefit of the Lessee.
3.4 Registration will also be made for the building structure on the Land Plot in the name of the Lessee. Lessor participation in such registration may be needed to verify the object of registration.
3.5 The Lessor shall participate in changed or renewed registration when needed as a consequence of this agreement. The Lessor agrees to participate not later than 30 days after given written notice from the Lessee. The Lessor shall be entitled to an assignment fee of 30,000 Thai Baht (Prices are subject to change. Depending on the implementation) for the participation in changes or renewed registration and necessary renewed of this agreement subject to changes on behalf of Lessee shall in addition bear the cost for any expense in relation to changed or renewed registration.