Back in the day(I'm 71) We used a wooden folding rule we called a "carpenters rule" as opposed to a "pipefitter/riggers" rule. The "carpenters rule" had the numbers on the inside starting at 1 inch as you folded it out. This was so that a partly unfolded rule would lay flat on a board with the numbers up for easier marking. With the pipefitter rule the numbers start with 1 inch on the outside of the folded rule. and when partly unfolded and layed on a board the folded portion holds the unfolded portion up off the board making accurate marking difficult. I have been in most Big Box stores and most hardware stores within 50 miles of my house looking for replacements for the 2 worn carpenter rules I have. Most clerks look at me with a "deer in the headlights" look or start to tell me that such a rule is not made. Untill I pull one of mine out of a back pocket. Then I hear "well, I'll be damned". Anyone know where I might find the carpenter rules? I have several catalogs but none of them have a difference in the rules they sell listed. Thanks, Bill