The mutant rats’ strategy was unfortunately for them, flawed. This was because the mutant rats’ fur were combustible, and the use of flammable oil made it very hard to put out the fire. As a result, all the mutant rats that rushed into the flame were quickly incinerated by the inferno and perished. However, the zeal in which the mutant rat tide charged headlong into the blaze regardless of how many of them were killed had unsettled all the men.
Kong Tianyu had just dispatched the last of the mutant rats that managed to enter into their ranks. Looking at the mutant rats that continuously rushed into the flames, he remarked “It would be wonderful if they all rush through the fire and commit suicide.”
If there was only one mutant rat, even an ordinary man could muster up the courage to attack and kill it. However, if there were more than 3 rats attacking an ordinary man, the one that would be killed would definitely be the man. If there are more than 20 rats, even an evolver like Kong Tianyu would be in serious danger if he is not protected by the snakeskin armour.
Initially, looking at the sea of mutant rats made the humans despair. It was estimated that there were at least 30,000 rats. Even if they had used up all their bullets, there were no guarantee that they would be able to kill all the rats. But if these rats were stupid enough to do a kamikaze charge by leaping into the flames, that would be an ideal scenario in the minds of the men.
From among the granary came another shrill cry, and surprisingly, the mutant rats that were thoughtlessly throwing themselves into the sea of flames suddenly stopped rushing into the fire. Instead, they surrounded the fire at a safe distance, and glared menacingly at the survivors entrapped within, waiting for an opportunity to strike.
Yue Zhong raised his eyebrows, and in his heart, he thought that the mutant rats must have a leader that was co-ordinating their attacks.
The uncountable sea of mutant rats that were not afraid of death was already very difficult to handle. Now that there was a leader leading and co-ordinating them, the difficulty of killing these rats had increased by at least a factor of ten.
There is a limit to the supply of oil that Yue Zhong and the rest of the humans had brought along, and it was not possible for them to continuously spray the oil. Under the combined firepower and fire, the humans had already killed over 4000 mutant rats. But as they looked over the sea of fire, they saw that there were still countless numbers of mutant rats surrounding them. This sight chilled the men to their bones and nobody desired to move out of the protection of the fire.
As for Yue Zhong’s team, in the short span of 10 mins, they had already used up over 20,000 bullets. This reduced their bullet supplies by one-third. If this continues on, their bullet supplies cannot last for even half an hour more.
After observing this, Yue Zhong walked into the Longhai military group camp area, and requested to speak with the military commander, Xu Zhenggang.
“What the f**k do you want?” Looking at Yue Zhong, Xu Zhenggang raised his eyebrows and directly questioned Yue Zhong. Xu Zhenggang is feeling very depressed – the number of mutant rats had exceeded his wildest expectations. In addition, there was a leader commanding the rats. This made him felt that the battle is impossible to win, and he already had the desire to flee.
The flammable oil was made up of a combination of petrol and crude oil. After the apocalypse, petrol and crude oil were also very valuable resources. The two ambulances that were filled with barrels of petrol and crude oil accounted for 25% of the oil in Longhai survival base camp. Xu Zhenggang had no desire to waste the expensive oil on trying to take control of a granary that he felt was unconquerable.
Yue Zhong looked into Xu Zhenggang eyes and said. “These rats have a leader. I want to take some men to kill this mutant rat leader. 10 minutes. I hope you can lead your men and my men to protect this camp for just 10 minutes. If at the end of 10 mins, I have not returned, you may either choose to lead the men to retreat or continue to wait here.”
Looking at the current situation, if Xu Zhenggang chose to flee the scene, the coalition of various factions and powers in Longhai survival camp will definitely retreat with the military. Once this happens, if Yue Zhong’s men continued to remain in this area and defend the camp, it is certain that they will be annihilated by the mutant rat horde.
Xu Zhenggang might have belonged to a different faction from Yue Zhong, but he was an upright man and a man of his word. If he made a promise to protect the camp, he would die to protect the camp rather than to retreat. It was for this reason that Yue Zhong trusted this man.
Xu Zhenggang glanced at Yue Zhong and carefully considered for a moment. He was well aware of the situation in LongHai survival camp. Only with enough
กลยุทธ์ของหนูกลายพันธุ์เป็นโชคร้ายสำหรับพวกเขา ข้อบกพร่อง นี้ได้เนื่องจากขนของหนูกลายพันธุ์ถูกเผาไหม้ และการใช้น้ำมันไวไฟทำให้มันยากมากที่จะดับไฟ เป็นผล หนูกลายพันธุ์ทั้งหมดที่วิ่งเข้าไปในเปลวไฟได้อย่างรวดเร็วเผา โดยอ่อนแอ และเสียชีวิต อย่างไรก็ตาม ความกระตือรือร้นซึ่งน้ำหนูกลายพันธุ์มีค่า headlong ลงในถ้ำโดยไม่คำนึงถึงจำนวนของพวกเขาถูกฆ่าตายได้ unsettled ทุกคนเทียนกงยูได้เพียงส่งล่าสุดของหนูกลายพันธุ์ที่จัดการการเข้าสู่ตำแหน่งของพวกเขา กำลังดูหนูกลายพันธุ์ที่วิ่งอย่างต่อเนื่องเข้าไปในเปลวไฟ เขากล่าวว่า "มันจะดีถ้าพวกเขาทั้งหมดวิ่งผ่านไฟและยอมฆ่าตัวตาย"ถ้ามีหนูกลายพันธุ์เดียวเท่านั้น แม้เป็นคนธรรมดาสามารถรวบรวมความกล้าหาญที่จะโจมตี และฆ่ามัน อย่างไรก็ตาม ถ้ามี มากกว่า 3 หนูโจมตีเป็นคนธรรมดา หนึ่งที่ถูกฆ่าตายแน่นอนจะคน ถ้ามีหนูมากกว่า 20 แม้การ evolver เช่นเทียนกงยูจะตกอยู่ในอันตรายร้ายแรงถ้าเขาไม่ได้รับการป้องกัน โดยเกราะสลิดในขั้นต้น กำลังดูทะเลของหนูกลายพันธุ์ทำมนุษย์ที่สิ้นหวัง มันประมาณว่า มีหนูน้อย 30,000 แม้ว่าพวกเขาได้ใช้สัญลักษณ์ของพวกเขา มีไม่รับประกันว่า พวกเขาจะสามารถฆ่าหนูทั้งหมด แต่ถ้าหนูเหล่านี้โง่พอที่จะทำการชาร์จ kamikaze โดยการกระโจนเข้าไปในเปลวไฟ จะมีสถานการณ์ดีในจิตใจของผู้ชายFrom among the granary came another shrill cry, and surprisingly, the mutant rats that were thoughtlessly throwing themselves into the sea of flames suddenly stopped rushing into the fire. Instead, they surrounded the fire at a safe distance, and glared menacingly at the survivors entrapped within, waiting for an opportunity to strike.Yue Zhong raised his eyebrows, and in his heart, he thought that the mutant rats must have a leader that was co-ordinating their attacks.The uncountable sea of mutant rats that were not afraid of death was already very difficult to handle. Now that there was a leader leading and co-ordinating them, the difficulty of killing these rats had increased by at least a factor of ten.There is a limit to the supply of oil that Yue Zhong and the rest of the humans had brought along, and it was not possible for them to continuously spray the oil. Under the combined firepower and fire, the humans had already killed over 4000 mutant rats. But as they looked over the sea of fire, they saw that there were still countless numbers of mutant rats surrounding them. This sight chilled the men to their bones and nobody desired to move out of the protection of the fire.As for Yue Zhong’s team, in the short span of 10 mins, they had already used up over 20,000 bullets. This reduced their bullet supplies by one-third. If this continues on, their bullet supplies cannot last for even half an hour more.After observing this, Yue Zhong walked into the Longhai military group camp area, and requested to speak with the military commander, Xu Zhenggang.“What the f**k do you want?” Looking at Yue Zhong, Xu Zhenggang raised his eyebrows and directly questioned Yue Zhong. Xu Zhenggang is feeling very depressed – the number of mutant rats had exceeded his wildest expectations. In addition, there was a leader commanding the rats. This made him felt that the battle is impossible to win, and he already had the desire to flee.The flammable oil was made up of a combination of petrol and crude oil. After the apocalypse, petrol and crude oil were also very valuable resources. The two ambulances that were filled with barrels of petrol and crude oil accounted for 25% of the oil in Longhai survival base camp. Xu Zhenggang had no desire to waste the expensive oil on trying to take control of a granary that he felt was unconquerable.Yue Zhong looked into Xu Zhenggang eyes and said. “These rats have a leader. I want to take some men to kill this mutant rat leader. 10 minutes. I hope you can lead your men and my men to protect this camp for just 10 minutes. If at the end of 10 mins, I have not returned, you may either choose to lead the men to retreat or continue to wait here.”Looking at the current situation, if Xu Zhenggang chose to flee the scene, the coalition of various factions and powers in Longhai survival camp will definitely retreat with the military. Once this happens, if Yue Zhong’s men continued to remain in this area and defend the camp, it is certain that they will be annihilated by the mutant rat horde.Xu Zhenggang might have belonged to a different faction from Yue Zhong, but he was an upright man and a man of his word. If he made a promise to protect the camp, he would die to protect the camp rather than to retreat. It was for this reason that Yue Zhong trusted this man.Xu Zhenggang glanced at Yue Zhong and carefully considered for a moment. He was well aware of the situation in LongHai survival camp. Only with enough
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