Molly is relieved to see that Shepherd wore a bulletproof vest, but still horrified over what is going on in her mind. Several news reports are running stories that pregnant women should get checked for a newly discovered "virus". Molly and a team of biologists try to crack the genetic code of the Offspring. JD comes to Molly asking for help with Kelsey's pregnancy, as he is afraid to send her to one of the clinics specializing in possible virus pregnancies. Molly is able to determine that Kelsey's pregnancy is normal. Elsewhere, Ethan is inspired by Lucy to go look for the woman named Molly. The trail leads Ethan to the Woods home, where he sees photos of him and Molly together. Charlie is concerned that Lucy frequently disobeys orders, and suggests a programming modification to which Lucy objects. Molly shares with JD her fears that she may still be carrying alien spores, which are wreaking havoc on her brain. Molly sees a message from Ethan that was left in her home.