We have finished the job. What shall we do with the tools?
Telegram to Winston Churchill after reclaiming Ethiopia from Italian forces (1941), as quoted in Ambrosia and Small Beer (1964) by Edward Marsh. This makes a play on Churchill's 1941 statement to the U.S. "Give us the tools, and we will finish the job."
May it be taken as Divine significance, that, as We mark the passing of the Nazi Reich, in America at San Francisco, delegates from all United Nations, among whose number Ethiopia stands, are now met together for their long-planned conference to lay foundations for an international pact to banish war and to maintain World Peace. Our Churches pray for the successful triumph of this conference. Without success in this, the Victory, We celebrate today, the suffering that We have all endured will be of no avail.
To win the War, to overcome the enemy upon the fields cannot alone ensure the Victory in Peace. The cause of War must be removed. Each Nation's rights must be secure from violation. Above all, from the human mind must be erased all thoughts of War as a solution. Then and then only will War cease.