The impacts of A. gracilipes on the abundance of epigeic and arboreal invertebrates were assessed using pitfall traps and foliage beats respectively. Pitfall traps were plastic containers with an internal diameter of 65 mm, one third filled with ethylene glycol as a preservative. Traps were used in 20 plots throughout the infested site and another 20 plots throughout the uninfested site. Plots comprised of three traps set in triangle formation, spaced 2 m apart and operated for 48 hours. Plots were spaced at least 10 m apart to maximise independence. The same plot locations were used for the two sample months. All macroinvertebrates >1 mm in length were identified to ordinal level, except ants, which were identified to species level following [37]. Voucher specimens of the ant species were placed in the CSIRO Darwin ant collection. Pitfall trap data were pooled for each plot.