TGase activity of surimi paste before setting increased from 7.6
to 17.6 unit/ml extract as the concentration of NFB increased from
0 to 2 g/100 g, respectively (Fig. 2). With increasing MFB, TGase
activity increased slightly (from 7.6 to 9.5 unit/ml extract). It was
postulated that calcium ion activates endogenous TGase by
inducing a conformational change to the enzyme, which exposes
the TGase active site to a substrate (Nozawa, Cho, & Seki, 2001). The
data indicated that calcium ion from Pacific whiting fish bone was
released to activate endogenous TGase. It was consistent with the
result reported by Hemung (2013) that endogenous TGase extracted
from tilapia filletwas activated by calcium from tilapia fish bone
powder. Calcium compounds from fish bone are hard to dissolve;
nevertheless, Kim, Yeum, and Joo (1998) reported more soluble
calcium (105.0 mg/100 g) was contained in mackerel surimi gels
made with 0.9 g/100 g Alaska pollock fish bone powder than the
control surimi gel (2.9 mg/100 g). Increased TGase activity for surimi
mixed with NFB confirmed that NFB had a higher concentration
of free calcium ions than MFB.
TGase activities of the pastes with
TGase activity of surimi paste before setting increased from 7.6to 17.6 unit/ml extract as the concentration of NFB increased from0 to 2 g/100 g, respectively (Fig. 2). With increasing MFB, TGaseactivity increased slightly (from 7.6 to 9.5 unit/ml extract). It waspostulated that calcium ion activates endogenous TGase byinducing a conformational change to the enzyme, which exposesthe TGase active site to a substrate (Nozawa, Cho, & Seki, 2001). Thedata indicated that calcium ion from Pacific whiting fish bone wasreleased to activate endogenous TGase. It was consistent with theresult reported by Hemung (2013) that endogenous TGase extractedfrom tilapia filletwas activated by calcium from tilapia fish bonepowder. Calcium compounds from fish bone are hard to dissolve;nevertheless, Kim, Yeum, and Joo (1998) reported more solublecalcium (105.0 mg/100 g) was contained in mackerel surimi gelsmade with 0.9 g/100 g Alaska pollock fish bone powder than thecontrol surimi gel (2.9 mg/100 g). Increased TGase activity for surimimixed with NFB confirmed that NFB had a higher concentrationof free calcium ions than MFB.TGase activities of the pastes with
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