Sometimes the need for policies,
procedures and practice guidelines
is under-rated or under-recognized.
However, such policies are critical to
nursing 1) communications, 2) widespread
adoption, 3) daily practice, and
4) periodic competency evaluations.
Across all healthcare settings, nurses
must have appropriate policies and
procedures readily available to them
as resources.
Most infusion-related complications
are preventable with proper
care and monitoring. Both right care
and right monitoring happen when
the nurse is knowledgeable and competent
in performing the procedure,
as well as in understanding the rationale
for and proper use of devices. As
stated in Standard 6, Competence and
Competency Validation, the nurse is
responsible and accountable for attaining
and maintaining competence
with infusion therapy.
Employers should use competency
validation processes to document
the nurse’s knowledge, skills, behaviors,
and abilities.1 For example,
proper application and use of a catheter
stabilization device should be validated
with a competency assessment.
The competency should address proper
use of the product, maintenance of
aseptic technique during the procedure,
and catheter stabilization during
the placement procedure, as inadvertent
catheter dislodgement is a risk
Sometimes the need for policies,procedures and practice guidelinesis under-rated or under-recognized.However, such policies are critical tonursing 1) communications, 2) widespreadadoption, 3) daily practice, and4) periodic competency evaluations.Across all healthcare settings, nursesmust have appropriate policies andprocedures readily available to themas resources.Most infusion-related complicationsare preventable with propercare and monitoring. Both right careand right monitoring happen whenthe nurse is knowledgeable and competentin performing the procedure,as well as in understanding the rationalefor and proper use of devices. Asstated in Standard 6, Competence andCompetency Validation, the nurse isresponsible and accountable for attainingand maintaining competencewith infusion therapy.Employers should use competencyvalidation processes to documentthe nurse’s knowledge, skills, behaviors,and abilities.1 For example,proper application and use of a catheterstabilization device should be validatedwith a competency assessment.The competency should address properuse of the product, maintenance ofaseptic technique during the procedure,and catheter stabilization duringthe placement procedure, as inadvertentcatheter dislodgement is a risk
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