a company image is like an orchesra.No single instrument is responsible for an orchestra success or failure. Likewise,the inage that a company projects is not based on a asingle brsiness card,glossy brochure or fashionable display, but on the tooal inpression created by all of these things and more. There are many intangibles tthat cam be critical, like the reputation you have, your principles and professionalism, your creativity, and even the warmth of an initial welcome. For a company to come across well intermationally, is allso meeds to consider the culture of its client or customer. A Finn might take an instant dislike to extravagance,a Ghanaian might prefer innovetion to tradition,a Qatari might put personal rapport before anyting else. Images can create a negative om[ressopm or a ositeve feeling in a few seconds. If you get it right, that favourable first impression will help in building a successful business relationship.