CCα is defined as the lowest concentration level of the analyte that can be detected in a sample with a chance of 1% of false positive decision. CCβ is defined as the smallest content of the analyte that can be detected in a sample with a chance of 5% of false negative decision. The CCα and CCβ values ranged from 0.57 to 1.13 μg/kg and 1.18 to 2.53 μg/kg, respectively. Although no regulatory limits are set for the content of ergot alkaloids in food and feed, results presented in Table 2 indicate that the proposed method is suitable for the detection of ergot alkaloids, even at very low μg/kg levels. Comparing these data to those reported in the literature (Krska et al., 2008 and Mohamed et al., 2006), the method proposed here reaches overall lower LODs and LOQs.