The purpose of this survey study was to investigate English
vocabulary learning strategies adopted by English gifted students of Triam
Udomsuksa School in the first semester of the academic year 2008. The subjects
were twenty seven students who was studying in English gifted program at Triam
Udomsuksa School. The purpose of the survey is to find most and least frequently
used vocabulary learning strategies used by the English gifted students. An
instrument used in this survey study was a 25-item questionnaire adapted from
Schmitt’s taxonomy for vocabulary learning strategies. The data was analyzed by
using frequency, percentages, and means.
The mean score indicated that the use of Metacognitive strategies are
most frequently used by English gifted students who are considered high proficient
students in English. And the least frequently used vocabulary strategy was “I learn
words by listening to vocabulary CDs.” in Cognitive strategies.
However, the findings will be advantageous to teachers to develop
effective vocabulary teaching and to provide students with successful vocabulary
learning strategies.