In the second section of the interview, the respondent answers screening questions, where 3 product concepts are shown at a time. In the screening section, the respondent is notasked tomake final choices, but rather just indicates whether he/she
would consider each choice “a possibility” or “not a possibility.” The
screening section is used to estimate the none-threshold. Once the
respondent has completed 8 screens of screening questions,we tran-
sition to the choice tasks section. The respondents are given 8 series
(i.e. screens of 3 choice sets) presenting the surviving product con-
cepts. Here, respondents are evaluating concepts that are close to
their BYO-specified product, that they consider possibilities.
In addition to the actual survey responses, the respondents also indi-
cated the amount ofmeat processed annually, the kinds and numbers of
different products as well as their own role within the company.