In the current research project date fruits (variety, Stamaran) were collected from a commercial date farm in Khuzestan (southern Iran) at the Tamr stage in September 2012. Healthy and uniform date fruits were selected and transferred to the Department of Food Science and Technology of Tarbiat Modares University to be kept at 4 C before other treatments (up to one day). After rinsing (a few seconds) the date with hot water (60 C), the samples were dried by deferent temperature (50, 60 and 70 C) until reaching to the initial moisture. Then, they were picked out and randomly distributed into three batches. The codes of the treatments are given in Table 1. Each sample was then packed in a perforated polystyrene plastic box and incubated for up to 6 months in ambient temperature storage (25 C of temperature and 75% of humidity). The samples were collected at 0, 0.5, 1, 3, and 6 months of incubation times and further experiments were carried out. Each batch for every time contained 100 fruits.