For my first talk I analyzed a talk called “Forget shopping, soon you’ll be downloading your new clothes.” by Danit Peleg. This is the link to the talk This talk went over the idea of 3D printing clothing items from basic materials. The value proposition in the talk is that you can create your own unique articles of clothing from basic textiles which will allow you to save money on clothing as well as set yourself apart from what people are currently wearing.
One example that Danit used to explain her proposition was a personal story from a trip overseas. Danit was travelling abroad for a long period of time and was getting tired of wearing the same outfits over and over again. The conference that she was attending was a technology conference and they had 3-D printers available for the public to use. Danit saw this as an opportunity to exercise her creativeness and decided to 3-D print a new outfit for the conference. It was a great success.
I found that Danit’s delivery of the presentation worked because it felt like she was just talking to me like a friend. This doesn’t mean that the presentation wasn’t formal, but it made for a light atmosphere that made me feel comfortable while watching. While she didn’t use too many visuals, the dress that she wore during here speech was actually 3-D printed. This was a powerful visual since it showed what the final product would look like after the printing process.
One lesson that I can take away from this talk is how effective some visuals can be that aren’t necessarily just power-point slides. By wearing the final product of what she was talking about it made for a powerful visual that gave the audience something to remember.
The next talk that I analyzed was one by Dan Gilbert called “Underwater Astonishment”. The value proposition of this talk was that we have only discovered about 3% of the deep ocean organisms in the world so we should support research to continue learning about the other 97%. I believe there was also an underlying proposition to continue our efforts in preserving our oceans.
The entire talk was supported by a video that gave the audience come awesome content to watch. While the video itself was compelling, the comments that Dan gave while certain parts of the video were playing helped to give the audience a better idea of what they were seeing. The video started by showing the audience what the creatures that inhabit the deep ocean look like and how they gave off the light from their bodies. The video then moved to its main focus on shallow water creatures like the octopus and cuddle fish. Dan provided clips that showed these creatures using camouflage which was a very effective tool to keep the audience’s attention.
One lesson that I can take away from this talk is that if I show the audience a video, I need to add some commentary to keep the audience’s attention. While a lot of people just put a video up and let the audience watch, there may be some information in the video that the audience might not understand. This is where commentary can help the audience get a better idea of whats going on