Ecotourism is by definition an activity that
attempts to achieve a balance between the
economic exploitation of natural resources and
native communities’ cultural heritage without
threatening their existence. In practice, this
requires criteria defining what makes this activity
“sustainable”, enabling the balance between profitable economic exploitation and conservation
of natural and cultural environments. Unregulated
ecotourism may contribute to the lowering of
genetic capital, for example biopiracy,
environmental harm, and bring social negative
impacts, such as prostitution, commercialization of
culture, and changing of social norms and values.
Ecotourism is by definition an activity thatattempts to achieve a balance between theeconomic exploitation of natural resources andnative communities’ cultural heritage withoutthreatening their existence. In practice, thisrequires criteria defining what makes this activity“sustainable”, enabling the balance between profitable economic exploitation and conservationof natural and cultural environments. Unregulatedecotourism may contribute to the lowering ofgenetic capital, for example biopiracy,environmental harm, and bring social negativeimpacts, such as prostitution, commercialization ofculture, and changing of social norms and values.
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