The extent of scaleout (∼250 households) reported by the best-bet households clearly illustrates the value of on-farm trials in promoting interest and adoption of new technologies by other households in the surrounding community. These trials also served as the centrepiece of field days to which best-bet households from other focus villages were also transported in. These cross-site interactions had the effect of rapidly promoting uptake of certain (successful) best-bet technologies by visiting smallholders. For example, the rapid uptake of tree legumes at Mertak and the use of kandangs (cattle stalls) for feeding and controlled mating at Pattappa were promoted by such exchange visits. These field days also provided an opportunity for participating households to take forage materials (both cuttings and seed) to plant and trial on their own land. The ability of ‘champion’ or leading smallholders to positively influence adoption by other smallholders was clearly demonstrated by two households in Lompo Tengah which accounted for approximately 100 of the 250 total scaleout smallholder household population.