Data from the interviews with teachers were analyzed
using an approach recommended by Bogden and Biklen
(2003) to identify thematic content. To improve the credibility
of our interpretations of the data, three authors shared
in the process of developing, organizing, and validating
themes. Data were analyzed in two stages. First, interviews
were analyzed individually to identify key themes; second,
themes were successively compared, compiled, and reorganized
across interviews. This entire process was undertaken
first by one author (GS) and then by a second (TL) working
independently. The two researchers met afterward with the
third team member, who served as an auditor (AB) of the
process and interpretations, including ensuring that all data
had been used. Disagreements regarding categorization were
resolved through discussion before arriving at a final interpretation
of the data.
Data from the interviews with teachers were analyzedusing an approach recommended by Bogden and Biklen(2003) to identify thematic content. To improve the credibilityof our interpretations of the data, three authors sharedin the process of developing, organizing, and validatingthemes. Data were analyzed in two stages. First, interviewswere analyzed individually to identify key themes; second,themes were successively compared, compiled, and reorganizedacross interviews. This entire process was undertakenfirst by one author (GS) and then by a second (TL) workingindependently. The two researchers met afterward with thethird team member, who served as an auditor (AB) of theprocess and interpretations, including ensuring that all datahad been used. Disagreements regarding categorization wereresolved through discussion before arriving at a final interpretationof the data.
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