Comedo-carcinoma of the breast is actually a type of ductal carcinoma in situ. It is considered to be an early stage of breast cancer, and it is characterised by the presense of central necrosis, or evidence of cell death and decay. A diagnosis of this particular kind of breast cancer is somewhat fortuitous as it is confined to the breast ducts and usually does not spread beyond. However, in terms of the various kinds of DCIS, comedo carcinoma is considered to be of a higher grade and a little more aggressive than the others, and may be treated a little more aggressively.The malignancy shows invasive carcinoma with combined ductual and lobular infiltrating patterns. The ductual counterpart reveals moderate and high grade.
The lobular carcinoma exhibits high grade nuclei, some cytoplasmic vacuoles and single files. Both types possess frequent mitotic figures. Comedo DCIS and satellite invasive margins are free from the tumor.
The posterior resection includes some muscle fibers that are uninvolved. The skin and subcutis appear unremarkable
Pathological Diagnosis
left breast, wide excision;
- Invasive carcinoma, grade III, with combined ductal and lobular infiltrating patterns, sized 1.7 cm (pT1)
- High rate mitotic figures
- Positive lymphatic space invasion
- Resection margins, free (the nearest clearance = 0.6 cm on posterior).